Sunday, February 2, 2014

Day 186: Six Month Update

Today's pic:

I have lots of updates today!  First of all, I am sure you are wondering about this glamour shot above.  To celebrate 6 months post-surgery, my lovely and talented friend, Emily Sexton (you previously saw her pictured visiting me on Day 5), convinced me to let her photograph me.  I was really nervous about seeing close up pictures of just my face since I still have numbness of the bottom lip and chin and am still working on being able to move my mouth symmetrically.  However, I think the results speak for themselves:

(Shout out to Em Grey Photography!


Another mile marker (13.1 mile marker, to be exact) for me recently was completing my first half marathon in Phoenix, Arizona on January 19th.  My goal was to run the whole time and to run it in under 2 hours and 30 minutes, both of which I accomplished.  My official time was 2:27:34.  And to think that I did this less than 6 months after major surgery.  I couldn't be prouder of myself.


Back in November I was feeling sluggish and tired, so I scheduled a physical appointment with my GP.  She ran some blood tests and told me that my iron levels still aren't back to the normal level since surgery.  So, I am back to taking iron supplements on a daily basis.  Since taking the iron again, I am back to feeling much better, which is good since I had that half marathon to train for!


Finally, I can announce that my health insurance (I won't mention any names) has settled up on my medical expenses. It took some effort on both mine and UNC Hospital's part to make this happen.  It was weeks, no, months of back and forthness and providing additional information and proof of medical necessity.  Sadly, I am convinced that health insurance's response is always to reject.  And this was after I had already had the surgery pre-approved THREE times prior to surgery, including the pre-approval that was required on the actual day of surgery.  Luckily, UNC Hospital deals with this type of drama all the time with health insurance companies and they took care of dealing with most of the stress involved with it.

All in all, the jaw surgery, including braces, cost me $7,793.79 out of pocket.  However, it doesn't end there.  I GET MY BRACES OFF ON FEBRUARY 25TH (YAY!) and then I am scheduled to have gum graph surgery on February 26th, which will cost me an additional estimate of $785.00.  I will be so ecstatic when I no longer have people poking and prodding around in my mouth. 

I know I mentioned on Day 78 that my next appointment with Dr. Turvey would be at the 12 month mark; however, I am now scheduled to see him on March 18th because I just received a verbal job offer (fingers crossed that the official paperwork all gets approved!) which would require me to MOVE TO LONDON at the end of March!!!  Therefore, BLTs with Mom at Merritt's will have to be moved up as well. 


  1. wooohooo!!!!! Future jaw surgery patients need to step it up....kind of hard to keep up with your quick recovery that includes becoming a super model, running a half marathon and getting a job in another country....all within 6 months after surgery. get it girl!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. It's great that you resolved the problems with your health insurance. Sometimes, these insurance companies are strict in documentation, so it's a good idea to ask for these when you are discharged. It's a good sign that your hospital was very helpful in this regard. Getting all of the documents ready should save you from all the trouble and hassle. I hope your next experience with insurance won't be as difficult as the last one! Take care!

    Stacey Neal @ Romero Insurance & Financial Services
