Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Day 209: No More Braces!

Today's Photo Montage:

In case you could not tell, I had my braces removed today - after almost 1 year and 8 months!  This is probably the happiest day I have had since my surgery.  I was recently asked (by several people), "Will you miss your braces?".  What?!?  Are you kidding me?!!  There was one day when I had to ask a 12-year-old little boy if he had any wax to spare while riding roller coasters at Carowinds.  The look he gave me... well, let's just say it was a low point in my life.  So, no, I will NOT miss my braces.  I am so excited to finally be at this point in my jaw/mouth saga!

Tomorrow is another big day for me - I am scheduled to have gum graft surgery.  I know I have been through worse, but I cannot help but be nervous.  Say a prayer for me!  Will provide more of an update post surgery with all the details.
Last Tuesday, on February 18th, I had my hair cut and highlighted for the first time since surgery (about 7 months ago).  I finally felt comfortable letting someone touch my head around the area where the bone graft was taken from (I like to joke that this area is my "soft spot" since it feels like a large crater.).  And my hair sure did need it!
It is nice to be feeling more normal now.  Another month and this (braces, jaw surgery, gum grafts) should all be behind me, with just a few post-op check-up appointments left in my future.


  1. That middle school boy was kinda rude! Haha! You're low point was my highlight from that day! Seriously though....looking so confident with that smile! Love it! Good luck tomorrow!

  2. I'm so sorry, but I find your story with the 12-year-old boy funny. Haha! Anyway, your smile looks wonderful. I can tell by the adorably funny photos how excited and thrilled you are for finally waving goodbye to your braces. You fought a long battle for good teeth and now you're here, I can't help but feel happy for you as well. Also, I hope the gum graft surgery went well! Take care! :)

    Clinton Zelman @ Doug Smith DDS
