Monday, August 19, 2013

Day 19: Bringing the Sunshine In

Today's pic:


Good news!  I official do not have nose bleeds anymore!


I go back to work on Wednesday of this week (August 21st).  That will make 3 weeks that I was off of work recovering from my surgery.  Recovery is not over with yet though.  It could take up to 6 months or a year for the rest of my swelling to go away, for my feeling and movement to return, and for my face to settle into it's final position.


I have about a 3/8 inch mouth opening.  I need to work on increasing this.  My right jaw joint feels fine, like it could easily open more; however, my left jaw joint, where the condyle was removed, feels stiff and sore.


Numbness update!

The areas of numbness have decreased in most areas except for the chin.  I find it odd but the left half of my upper lip is not numb anymore while the rest still is.  I've found that the right side of my face seems to lag behind the left side of my face, not just in numbness but in movement as well.


Since I couldn't go out in the bright sunshine this past weekend (I have to keep my incisions out of the sun), I decided to bring the brightness inside to me! :)

(Nails with Alli)

(Toes with Mom)


Of the baby items that my mom bought for me, I really only used the sippy cups.  We tried to use the food grinder but it seemed to be of poor quality, so didn't work too well.  However, with a good quality one, a food grinder would make a nice transition when moving away from mushy puréed food.  I was able to use regular spoons, so mom will be returning all the ones that I did not use.


I found this gem last night on the internet...

Decided to give it a try for lunch today...



And blueberry pancakes for breakfast this past weekend:



  1. ground beef! hahaha! (I hope Joshy see's that one!) Nails look so bright and cheery!!!!! and I'll be making that pb & j smoothie this week for sure

  2. You're smile is so pretty, love! And yay for manicures :)
