Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day 27: One Month Check-up

Today's pic:

Today was my one month (or 4-week) check-up.  Dr. Turvey said my incisions look great and he doesn't see any issues.  I was hoping to get my splint out today, but no cigar.  I admit that I was being a bit too eager.  I am having it taken out at my next appointment which is scheduled for two weeks from today - Tuesday, September 10th.  At that time, he will release me back to my orthodontist.  Once the splint is taken out I should be able to start chewing soft foods.  I think I am going to start with a big plate of pasta!
I took a list of questions with me to the appointment.  See below (with answers).
1)  When can I stop sleeping on my back in an elevated position?
A:  I no longer have to sleep on just my back, but I do have to continue sleeping in an elevated position.
2)  When can I stop wearing SPF 45?
A:  I need to continue to wear the SPF 45 for now.
3)  How long do I need to continue to take the iron supplements?
A:  I no longer need to take the iron supplements.
4)  When can I blow my nose?
A:  I can start blowing my nose.
5)  When can I start to jog?  When can I resume my normal exercise routine (i.e. sports, vigorous gym classes, etc.)?
A:  I can start jogging in 2 more weeks.  More strenuous activities will have to wait.
6)  When massaging my cheeks and around my incisions, how often per day should I massage and what kind of pressure?
A:  I should massage 3 to 4 times per day.  I should start with a warm damp rag wrapped around my head/face to loosen the muscles and scar tissue, then massage and do face exercises.  The massage pressure should be comfortable but firm.  I can take ibuprofen if this leads to pain and soreness.
7)  The joint where the condyle was removed aches occasionally, is this ok?  I have tried to work on stretching my mouth opening but the joint is sore and I feel I am not getting anywhere.
A:  The pain is normal.  This is my physical therapy, so I have to do it or I won't get the results that I want.  Same as the answer above, I should start with a warm damp rag wrapped around my head/face to loosen the muscles and scar tissue, then massage and do face exercises.  I can take ibuprofen if this leads to pain and soreness.
8)  Now that the swelling has drastically decreased, I have noticed that my chin is off-center.  Is this going to be the final result or do you still expect it to be centered once fully recovered?  If the off-center chin is final, what can we do about it?
A:  Dr. Turvey acknowledged that that my chin does look off-center; however, he doesn't think this is anything to worry about at this time.  He said that it will take 9 months for my face to mature and settle into it's final place.  At that point we can talk about the chin again.
Last puzzle, I promise!


1 comment:

  1. dangit...your blog ate my comment I swear I posted a few days ago! looks like your blog is progressing as well and can chew now :) anyway...yay for no more sniffling, uncomfortable back sleeping and lame cheesy puzzles ;)
