Saturday, August 3, 2013

Day 3: Challenges

Today's pic:

Not much has changed since yesterday.  There is a bit more swelling today, but Dr. Turvey says that's to be expected.  

Also, I am rocking this cowlick like it's my job!


Challenge #1

Sleeping has been a little bit of a challenge because I have to sleep on my back with multiple pillows under me to keep my head elevated.  I am usually a side sleeper, so I find myself waking up every few hours.  Good thing I have all day to sleep.


Challenge #2

Another challenge that I have been experiencing is frequent nose bleeds. Whenever I sit or stand up, I usually get a nose bleed.  This is also considered normal because during the surgery my sinuses filled with blood, so now it is just trying to empty it all out.


Challenge #3

Eating has been extremely difficult, but not for the obvious reason of not having a large opening for using a spoon.  The bigger challenge is that my jaw starts to get tired and feel heavy.  Even drinking water can be a challenge.


Challenge #4

Erin left me with this puzzle challenge yesterday.  Now I am intrigued to do the next puzzle!  I wonder what the punch line could be?!?


The beautiful plant below arrived today from my aunts and uncles in South Dakota.  I feel so loved.  Thanks aunt Debby, Pam, Sonny, uncle Geno and all your families.  This means a lot to me!


  1. Sweet cowlick! .. I know the punchline, but I'm not going to spoil it.

  2. Haha! Thanks for not spoiling it Joshy! Rock that cowlick and those challenges!!!!

  3. I love these puzzles with cheesy jokes on the back!

  4. Oh man, it's a year later and just noticed that you can definitely tell that I refused to change my shirt for 3 days! lol
