Thursday, August 1, 2013

Day 1: Before & After X-rays

The morning after pic:


Yesterday was pretty rough, but I am feeling much much better today. (Yesterday, I was questioning why I did this to myself!).  I had an 8am appt in the UNC Dental School where 'after' X-rays were taken.  The comparison between the 'before' and 'after' X-rays is phenomenal!  








After the appointment, it was time for me to eat soft foods. (One of the four criteria before I can be discharged. The others are to be able to walk, drink, and go #1.) This has got to be one of the hardest things I have had to do. I have a small opening and my face and mouth are extremely numb. The meal was puréed: corn, mashed potatoes, and roast beef and a side of pineapple pudding and blueberry jello.  I had about 2 or 3 small bites of each.


Get well gift from the best mom ever!


Dinner: strawberry milkshake and scrambles eggs.  I am still having trouble getting much food down.


I was discharged at 9:26pm and am now heading home!

Let the recovery begin!


  1. woah...those xrays are amazing!!!!!! and Momma Biegs is a trooper for being there through all of it!

  2. i also forgot to say how fly you look in that SWEEEEEET zip shirt ;)

  3. WOW...the before and after pics are crazy! Big difference for sure:) You are looking good though doesn't look as swollen as I was expecting either. What a trooper for trying that pureed food too...I don't know if I would be strong enough to try the roast beef. Get well soon Bilmo!!!

  4. That morning after pic is HYSTERICAL! Not a happy face, friend! You're still beautiful through that sweet face wrap :)

  5. Ha yeah, you do not look very happy in the morning after pic. Still s'cute though! The before/after x-rays are amazing. Hope you're feeling better!

  6. LOL at the zip shirt. Jenny, you should make that your new look! In all seriousness, the after pics are great!
